The fifth day started unusually with the students visiting the museum and the Director- BET Museum and the team led them. The museum exhibits the latest scientific equipment, models of material science and illustrative diagrams, working models of Science & technology, charts and photographs explaining the different principles of science.
Mr. Harish Mulchandani, Lead for Incubation program at PIED Society, took the first lecture of the day on the topic, ‘Problem Validation using DT tools’. During the lecture he discussed case studies in different sectors. Later, a group of 4-5 students was formed who used design thinking using problem statement. At the end of the lecture, the students were asked to give a 60-second elevator pitch.
Prof Satyendra Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Management and faculty In Charge, Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership discussed ‘Business Plan Preparation’. During the lecture, Prof. Sharma shared about the business plans and how they can help perform tasks for those who read and write them; how they are used by investment-seeking entrepreneurs to convey their vision to potential investors, etc.